Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Pangaea + new video
Just a couple of things for you, here's the line up for the HUGE Pangaea festival that we're playing Thursday 11th June.
We're onstage in the Solem bar at 2:15am!
And I've just uploaded a video I've made for a demo of a new track called Skeletons. It features rapping by our friends from 30000 Bastards! It's only a demo so it's a little rough around the edge but expect a proper version sometime later in the year.
The video used clips from two of Disney's silly symphonies; The Haunted House and The Skeleton Dance and an old Bettie Boop cartoon; Minnie The Moocher.
- Andy xo
Thursday, 21 May 2009
3 new 'songs' to download
These are three 'songs' that have come together whilst writing new tracks:
* First is Warning Spoilers!
- this is a song we did for a compilation of 30 second songs. I think there was 100 bands on it in total. It's just 30 seconds listing a lot of the biggest spoilers and basically trying to piss a lot of people off. Only problem though was after we'd released it I got a load of mail about how most of these are on a T-shirt or something. This really pissed me off after I spent ages thinking of these and getting them to rhyme. This is a remixed version, the lyrics are :
Frank was a girl in The Wasp Factory.
Tyler Durden : split personality.
Gwyneth's head's in a box and Keanu's The One.
The Planet Of Apes was Earth all along.
Soilent Green is people, Rosebub was his sleigh.
Kevin Spacey was Kyser Soze.
Dill was a man and Bruce Willis was dead.
Hey Luke; Leia's your sister and Darth Vader's your dad.
* Secondly is Oh Yeah!
This is an 80's movie montage song I've just recorded for a montage scene in our friend's internet sitcom, Chris And Rich Do Sheffield (it's great, wait till July when it's released properly).
* Finally is I Need A Wee!
I caught my friend off guard when she was drunk using my phone to sample her saying she needed a wee! Then I did a remix over the demo of Up All Night. (I'm probably going to get in shit with her for posting this here! ha ha)
-more REAL songs are coming soon! :)
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
We won best band at Liverpool Sound City!

We won the competition as the best band who applied for Liverpool Sound City 2009! Part of the prize was a SWEEEEET Fender Telecaster, fucking too right!
As well as free guitars and what not we're to be playing a show at:
Korova in Liverpool this Friday 22nd May!
It's with Ipso Facto and Pulled Apart By Horses and we're on first at 9!

< oh Mr Telecaster you soon shall be mine...
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Watch our videos YooouuuTuuube style!
Once it's opened press F11 for full screen :
The National Curriculum

No Place Like Home

- Andy xo
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Great review at SXSW and we're finally TWITTERING
and finally we're now twittering all over the place!

make sure you follow us at :
Andy xo
Saturday, 28 March 2009
Picks for SXSW
First was in the Austin Chronicle, we were one of the 8 Brit unmissables. picked us as one of the top 35 bands playing the festival :
We also got picked here :
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
OFA do USA 6
All the free beers, sunshine and music outdoors made this a great finish to the week! We just chilled out all day because we were playing last. Not only was there great music but some of the artists were painting in front of the stage. I'll leave you with a load of photos from the show :

Sunday, 22 March 2009
OFA do USA 5

My voice had started to go by now, I blame the air conditioning and too much drinking and talking. :( Our gig was at 1am back at the Hole In The Wall so it gave me enough time to recover. We had a pretty chilled day, watching more bands. All I really remember is being completely fucking knackered, enough so that once we got to the Hole In The Wall I just fell asleep in the car till we played.
After we finished playing there was nowhere open to eat so we drove around and found a Taco Cabana, the idea of Mexican food being just what we were up for eating. That's until we got inside and found it to be the most fucking filthy restaurant we'd ever seen! We saw a cook use a dirty, hard brush to scrape all the grease off the grill then put it bristle-down onto the filthy floor! Also there was a constant horrible high-pitched squealing sound from one of the machines in the kitchen. Basically it was the horror-movie equivalent of a fast food 'restaurant' (if you can call it that). Not surprisingly our food was fucking disgusting, we ended up putting our last taco on the hood of our car and watched it shoot off as we drove away.
Just as we'd finished eating the theme from The Omen came on the car radio, it all seemed very fitting. Watch the video :
- Andy xo
Saturday, 21 March 2009
OFA do USA 4
On the way back trying to find a taxi at the quieter end of 6th street Paul and I followed a group of musicians playing the Cantina theme from Star Wars. Then a guy playing a guitar with another guy playing a double bass ran over and shouted 'When The Saints Go Marching In'! They started playing and a guy playing banjo came and joined in as well as some other buskers playing percussion. Then everyone passing by started to join in.
You can watch the whole thing here as an example of pure SXSW madness!

- Andy xo
Friday, 20 March 2009
OFA do USA 3

Thursday, 19 March 2009
OFA do USA 2

Wednesday, 18 March 2009
OFA do USA 1
Saturday, 14 March 2009
Listen to new demos!

We've been recording a load of demos in my bedroom recently. I've put two online here :
These two are both quite different from our other stuff cause we've been trying new stuff out for shits and giggles. They've both got Tom Hyndman on as well (new boy ahoy).
The first one is about being stuck in Chester while all my friends keep fucking off,
the second one is about Skeletons... and that's all I can really say (it's what happens when you write lyrics at 4 in the morning).
they're both rough as fuck and a bit of experimenting but let us know what you think.
Andy xo
Strangeglue interview - we're a pick to go see at SXSW
We've done an interview for
We're one of their pre-sxsw picks to go see this year.
Read the interview here :
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
Chris and Rich do Sheffield
Check it out here :

It's hilarious so everyone go watch it now!
Two of us (Tom and I) are going to be in a later episode along with some members of Rolo Tomasi so keep checking back for the new episodes.
Andy xo
Sunday, 22 February 2009
Shows in London, Manchester, Liverpool and...RUNCORN!
25th Feb 2009
Maya London, LONDON
-- this is a sudo-showcase event. It's at a proper posh place so I've heard!
27th Feb 2009
The Canal Walk, RUNCORN
-- not too far from us so this is kind of a local show, it was great last time we played there too.
1st March 2009
-- HUGE GASH COLLECTIVE EVENT! more info here :
also this is on my birthday so come celebrate me getting old! :)
5th March 2009
--This is our last show before Texas. We're playing with Polly Mackey who's also going!
Then it's off to the US for South By Southwest!
- Andy xo
Saturday, 17 January 2009
Danny North photo shoot

We did a photoshoot with Danny North, something as a band that's definitely worth shouting (or blogging) about! One of the most respected and prolific music photographers in the North of the
Thing is, he's got a reputation for being a bit out there but we weren’t really expecting what we actually ended up doing. He took us to an abandoned insane asylum in
Look at the photo, you can see we’re in pain…
After we’d used the rest of the cold water to try and scrub the rest of the paint off we put on painters overalls and Danny took us to a bamboo field just outside of
To view the rest of the photos either go to our myspace photos