Thursday was the first day we actually got to check out the festival properly! Our official showcase wasn't until 10pm that night so after spending the morning downing free beers from the convention center and stocking up on free fags for Tom and Paul (although don't call them 'fags' over here...) we headed out onto the streets and into the sunshine! One of the best things so far is the amount of free food and drinks we've been getting; and cigarettes, the 'other food' according to Bill Hicks. The amount of free cancer sticks we've got now is ridiculous.
Now I know it's been said that there's music EVERYWHERE at SXSW but you really can't understand what that really means until you're here. The streets are constantly filled with loud drums and the chaotic, intermingling of different sounds from each side of every street and all the street corners are filled with musicians. The best thing though is the intimacy, every band, signed or unsigned is treated the same and you'll end up seeing the big bands played to the same size audiences as the smaller ones in the tiniest venues!
The best bands we saw on the Thursday was Death by Stereo and then we got to see Frank Turner before heading over to Wave. We ended up playing on a small as fuck stage but the venue was rammed! Anyway, the smaller the stage the more excuse we have to get off it and get in people's faces.
After the show Paul downed a five-hour energy drink and and Pirate-Paul was unleashed to the world then later at Wendys we saw an argument between a guy and other guy in bearsuit. I'll put the video on soon ha ha ha
- Andy xo